Photography for Conventions in Las Vegas. 702 459 3121 [email protected]
Even if you forgot to book I can still help you get a Professional Photographer for you Convention /Conference /Trade Show.
Convention Photography is an art, I’ve been shooting for over 30 years and perfected ways
to make your convention/ Trade show/ conference look more exciting and appealing to the
eye, which is after all is the main purpose.
With professional equipment and back up gear standard I pride my self with the out come of
every shot, obviously not every shot is a winner but as in this case (see below) this one was
recognized by the Spider Awards international, an annual international competition highly
regarded in the photographic profession .
Even breakout sessions can yield great photo opportunities , but you have to be willing to
break a few rules, and try to get that shot unobtrusively with out the subject being aware , no
good lining people up and shouting smile !
A good shot of an attendee concentrating or reacting is gold even better is you can frame it
with a logo in the shot . This is what I strive for with every assignment I do.
So if you have a convention coming up in Las Vegas or the west coast give me a call ,
702 459 3121 , or an email [email protected] and lets make arrangements for your
show to be recorded photographically and for you to use the images to knock your
prospective clients off their feet with fabulous images that tell the story !
You can check out more of my work at