Been awhile ago now but i just found my interview with Mr Hseih of Zappos fame,: as you listen he’s talking about many projects that are now a reality in down town Las Vegas. Zappo’s have bought a lot of real estate downtown and as he mentioned as an upcoming plan to move in to the ‘Old’ city hall, well it’s 2013 and that’s exactly what they have done , that and a lot more.
In the last few weeks we have had ‘Life is beautiful” music festival sponsored partly by Zappos and in the next few week the Las Vega Marathon , which like Life Is Beautiful will close down down town and in the marathons case ,pretty much of the Las Vegas strip, kind of irritating to be honest, but it a great thing for down town Las vegas which has been hurting in the last couple of years, and prehaps with the influx of hundreds or maybe thousands of 30 something professionals , it will turn out to be a good thing in the end.
So it was fun to fin d an archive so to speak ,even a premonition of the future Vegas and the rapid changes taking place here, I think credit has to go to Ex Mayor Oscar Goodman for a lot of the rejuvenation of down town Las Vegas .

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