Revealing,shocking Ms Senior Nevada in playboy scene

Las Vegas Aug  2013 , | South point Casino

Womanizing Playboy caught on film !!

Awhile ago I was asked,as a favor to shoot Ms Senior Nevada, the job included shooting headshot of all the contestants for the ‘program’ , this was a lot of fun and i got to meet some wonderful women all over the age of 65 years old, and one named  DOROTHY GURALNIK who  says she’s 92 and was Ms Senior Nevada in 1986 , but I think she must be younger !

LAs vegas photographer at Ms Senior Nevada

You have to remember that on a show like this you only get one chance at a shot, and as it is lite with theater lighting it’s going to be a challenge anyway, not to mention trying to get a decent position to shoot and keep out of the way of the audience. A further consideration is when shooting in limited space and from the front of the stage is that you’re not at an unflattering angle, especially as you’re photographing beauty contestants, care really has to be taken.

So the show starts with speeches, a musical number by a ‘Strip legand’  Dondino with a Las Vegas act that is now something of a rarity sadly with the disappearance of the lounge acts here in Las Vegas, then a Violinist , all performing to a full house at 2pm !

I was amused by the dance number ‘Womaniser’ by Britney Spears which featured a very active 80+ year old gentleman , now a reporter would have his name and I’m sorry I take pictures only , but as far as i was concerned he stole the show, (n.b. I Googled the event and can find no mention of his performance)  but i’m here to say he was wonderful, not because of his age soley but he just stole the show, filled the stage in his white tux jacket and fedora hat.

Womanizer  Ms Senior Las vegas 2013

In the end an new Ms Senior  Nevada 2013 was crowned Ms Kat Ray , in all it was an entertaining afternoon, the result of many rehearsals and a lot of hard work, but in the end it’s a great way for seniors to keep active , have fun and show off talents and experience of  their lives , not to mention the comradery of all the contestants together, it’s no wonder some of the top performers were in their 90’s , singing and dancing keeps you young, just a shame i have no rhythm for dance and i probably could sing but wont, I’ll stick to Las Vegas style Photography .

Now if you have an event or just need a great photographer in Las Vegas  do call Costellophoto 702 459 3121 and employ on of the more experienced and well equipt photographers in Las Vegas , we’re here and happy to help.


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