Points for Las Vegas Photo Events

LAs Vegas Photographer Costellophoto  new logo for photographers to gewt attention in LAs Vegas Convention marketLAs Vegas Photographer Costellophoto  new logo for photographers to gewt attention in LAs Vegas Convention market

Las Vegas Green Screen Photographers :

A convincing argument ; )

and some odd offers !


2012 Holiday season is upon us, parties and and office gatherings  the inevitable photos will be trotted out  for embarrassing moments of indiscretion and awards given for best dressed , most valuable, and out standing in their field (someone let them back in it’s cold out there ! ).

So it’s ok to take your own photographs at the office party, but how about we put together a really special  green screen  photo event that every one will love , go home and show every one how cool their company is ,and instead of giving out lame unwanted gifts , here;’s some thing that will get valued and treasured for years to come, not only that but with the advent of social media we can now post their photographic  images at your office party in Las Vegas on Face book or other pages instantly. Now here’s an Idea that really works, we make an ‘overlay’ that looks just like a popular magazine  and feature your company or office , with a unique back ground ! Think of this a the gift that keeps giving, as these images are passed around your company is giving a photographic impression , bringing your valued staff and products in to the consciousness of perhaps millions, either way holiday snaps can be used as promotional items and as gifts that are enjoyed and valued .
We can also take this to another photographic level, lets say Costellophoto books an event with Zappos for their party , we offer you access to all their employees by placing your logo on their photograph, and by sponsoring the photographic green screen image your party planner have one less cost but still getting a valued product.
Phew ! I hope all that makes some sense, there are so many Photographers in Las Vegas so incase you’ve not  found us before, let me give you a little history on Las Vegas’s favorite photographer Costellophoto.
Owned and run by award winning photographer Don Parnall , a British lad who’s been in business of Photography for over 30 years, spent some time working on Hollywood blockbusters  and national Television companies like HBO and BBC , a little radio broadcasting and now a citizen of Las Vegas for over 25 years, being a local resident with international clients , it’s easy to be over looked as a Las Vegas Photographer, but as the financial climate changes Costellophoto is looking more to the local market to offer quality service with international award winning photographers with professional equipment ( and that last bit is so important) and experience not many can compete with .

Professional Photographer wanted in Las Vegas …to be a Judge !

Interesting things happen around this time of year, recently I was invited to be a judge at ESPN’s bikini competition, now if you’re thinking what a lucky guy, let me tell you how difficult it is to sit still and look at 150 women body builders and judge them fairly when you really don’t understand female body building. For the most part these woman are way more in to chiseled  muscular looks than you fashion model would ever be, attraction for these women is I would say rather angular than the comfortable rounded form of a ‘normal’ woman’s body. So by the time I and my fellow judges , two other photographers and a bunch of journalists had seen these women over two days I think we got it right and learnt how to score with out malice. This I will say  feathered wings are cool on Victoria Secret models , but more than one body builder it gets a little ridiculous, the other gripe I had was the camo bikini , just doesn’t work gals,really.

A new Year started with a new look  for Las Vegas Photographer Costellophoto

 Above out new logo for our new web page, Las Vegas photographer , we’ve redesigned the page so you only really need one page to tell the Costellophoto story as a Las Vegas Photographer and hopefully millions will see and enjoy our style of photography. to view this fabulous piece of HTML  you can click here  www.costellophoto.com orwww.lasvegasphotographers.co. and you may call us at 702 459 3121 to talk about your upcoming photographic needs or green screen ideas even photographic advice, we have no secrets here , just here to help.

By Costellophoto

Costellophopto Central Texas: Las Vegas Photographer Costellophoto, we've been serving The Las Vegas Photographic market for over twenty years,dedicated to professional photography, for Corporate events, Editorial, News, Convention and Commercial photography we have the experience and knowledge that makes the difference. Winning many international awards and a client base from fortune 500 to local publications we'll provide you with excellent photographic product at great rates. Our Photographers in Las Vegas are client friendly, educated and professional. Call us today to solve your photographic needs.
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