A while back ESPN hired my self and a few others to judge a beauty pageant for weight lifting women at the golden nugget , it was one of the odd things you get to do here in Las Vegas as a Photographer , what I knew about judging a mussel show you could write on the back of a postage stamp!
So tomorrow morning very early I am to report to ‘The South point Hotel and Casino ‘ to watch the rehearsals of Ms Senior Nevada 2013, I was invited to do this awhile back, thinking August would be a quite month , it’s rather like when you book a vacation it never fails your photographic job date book is suddenly full of small but valuable jobs requiring you to postpone your leisure travel plans again …
One of the most important things to remember when photographing Conventions, events, Keynote and alike , other than color temperature, (not being orange or Blue) is to wait that fraction of a second , this can insure a good candid expression, but also make sure you’re not getting an embarrassing open mouth with bulging crossed eyes,
this is going to happen ,some people just have a way of gurning when they speak , it happens to the best people !

And being mindful of body posture as well , it’s really easy to accidentally catch some one in a very awkward position and making the image useless . So at 7 am tomorrow at the South point Casino Las Vegas I shall be trying to remember my own advice and capture the talents of the over 65 contestants as they sing ,dance and perform with ventriloquists dummies (there is at least one) while I record the history of the moment with still camera technology.
Now if you have an event coming up in the not too distant future , be sure to call Costellophoto for Green Screen , print on site and editorial professional photography. 702 459 3121 email :[email protected]